Anthurium veitchii (species) wide form
Our Anthurium veitchii (species) wide form are grown in a Premium CocoCoir Blend in environmentally controlled fogging to maintain high humidity through all seasons, and bright indirect natural lighting. We use a selection of carbon-rich organic food that helps boost microbial populations and help nutrient uptake to be optimised ensuring root development, density and spatial distribution, growth, and survival of our Aroids.
Typically Anthurium veitchii is an epiphyte, growing on trees and may relatively survive even without a growing substrate.

Anthurium veitchii (Species) - Wide Form
Anthurium veitchii, also known as the King Anthurium, its a tropical epiphytic plant native to Colombia, and is grown for its spectacularly large foliage. Its scientific name (veitchii) is after John Veitch, a Scottish horticulturist who founded several exotic plant nurseries in the 19th century.

Anthurium veitchii belongs to the Araceae family, a group of plants known as aroids, which produce an arrow-shaped inflorescence. This inflorescence consists of a light green spathe and a spadix, which can be either cream or pale pink.
Anthuriums produce inflorescences depending on the time of year and season nature has predetermined.

Once pollenated the Anthurium veitchii inflorescence develpes to form the fruiting stage of an infructescence that matures over several months to develop berries that produce seed.

Purchase Anthurium veitchii (wide form) - Fresh Seeds
Anthurium veitchii (species) wide form - Fresh seeds are periodically available .

Germinating Seeds
Our Anthurium veitchii (species) wide form are grown in a Premium CocoCoir Blend in environmentally controlled fogging to maintain high humidity through all seasons, and bright indirect natural lighting, We use a selection of carbon-rich organic food that helps boost microbial populations and help nutrient uptake to be optimised ensuring root development, density and spatial distribution, growth, and survival of our Aroids.

Anthurium veitchii - Seedlings
Our Anthurium veitchii (species) wide form seedlings continue to grow on in a Premium CocoCoir Blend in environmentally controlled fogging to maintain high humidity through all seasons, and bright indirect natural lighting. We use a selection of carbon-rich organic food that helps boost microbial populations and help nutrient uptake to be optimised ensuring root development, density and spatial distribution, growth, and development of our Anthuriums.

Anthurium veitchii - Intermediate
Our Anthurium veitchii (species) wide form intermediate is a more advance seedling with lateral veins become pronounced and begin to turn silver/white making for a stunning appearance against the corrugated and elongated deep green blades.
Continue to grow on in a Premium CocoCoir Blend in environmentally controlled fogging to maintain high humidity through all seasons, and bright indirect natural lighting. We use a selection of carbon-rich organic food that helps boost microbial populations and help nutrient uptake to be optimised ensuring root development, density and spatial distribution, growth, and development of our Anthuriums.
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A collection of Anthurium veitchii wide form foliage
we have a extensive collection of Anthurium veitchii wide form available